Another year around the sun, flown by. With the holidays come 4 cute little kiddies birthdays. The first weekend in December, for my whole life, we go
hunt down Aunt Dale’s Christmas tree out at Whitetail Farm in Brookville, IN. It also became tradition to take our children’s yearly images just before. <3
The weather was perfect. So often there are tears from being cold but this year we didn’t even need coats! One less thing adding to their torture.
Unless you’ve raised twins, you really can’t understand the depth of how amazing they are.
Daddy distracting them. For the last year, ANYTHING in our house that remotely resembles a sword, gets shoved into their “belt” (of sorts).
Will. Not. Let. Go. Of. “Swords.”
Aunt Dale for the win acting goofy behind our tripod!
Always fulfilling my girls request to get one with just her and Mommy. <3 Can’t believe she’s nearly 8 and still comfortably fits on my hip.
My favorite kind of smiles are the big open mouth ones.
And of course Aunt Dale gets her yearly image. <3
Adam is just as into the sword fighting as the boys. ::face palm::
All the kids fight for our cameras and phones to take pictures. It’s obviously natural for that desire as they watch us shoot regularly but it still makes
me so proud EVEN if they refuse to walk until I let them take picture. The two below are first Ari’s then Ezra’s. 🙂
Yep. He flipped all the way around…not intentionally.
“This is the one!”
Also tradition. :0
Here’s to a month long of celebrating all the holidays and birthdays! Heart, Melanie.