
4 little monkeys.

we try an match the girls as often as possible. šŸ™‚ if brittany has a boy (less than 3 wks!), what will we do with him? undefinedfollow along with the itsy bitsy spiderā€¦ itā€™s a tracy family fav.undefined

olivia is 8mths old now, so i snapped a couple of the big girl by herself!undefinedi just want to grab that lil tongue!undefineduncle adam and the kids had fun with the chalk. nori had fun eating it. yum.undefinedwe had a fun time on motherā€™s day! family time is as special as ever, as weā€™ve been doing a lot of praying together. each week we are having a healing prayer

service for ali with my immediate family and our priest friend. itā€™s already been very heartwarming and iā€™m sure each week through her journey it

will become even better. speaking of, ali started her chemo on wednesday. i spent the afternoon with her and ben at the hospital first her first infusion

and she did great. she has had some nausea and been really tired, but so far so good. they told her to expect day 4 to be her bad day, hopefully itā€™s

not! šŸ™ she looks great though, huh! the area wasnā€™t big enough for me to be able to back up and get her IV drip pole in the shot. next time iā€™ll try since

you canā€™t really see the story in this image. if you look closely you can see the line coming from her port in her chest.

thanks for stopping by! i hope everyone has a great weekend.
heart, melanie

ps. i love you mom! thanks for all youā€™ve done for all of us. we couldnā€™t do it without you! youā€™re amazing!

Thanks for stopping by!

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