

Coop! How’d you get so old?! Just about 18yrs ago, Cooper was the first baby I’d ever shot portraits of! In fact, an image I took of his feet actually hung in some galleries for exhibits as I was in finishing up college. Crazy. Now they’re big stanky grown man feet. 😬

This mullet situation. Man. Who let this come back into our lives? You’re lucky you’re cute and we love you unconditionally. Bahaha.


We were originally going to shoot 40+min away from me but when I needed to leave we were still undecided about the rain because it was slowing down, but still constant. Eventually we decided to meet half way and I’m so glad we did because I haven’t been to this spot in a handful of years and it was cool to use the space again.

I guess he’s country folk now. 🤷🏼‍♀️ The mullet only enhances those boots and flags.🤣🤣😘

Does make for some good hat hair though!🥰

Spontaneously he started doing yoga. Ok then. Go on witcha bad self.🤣😍

A gentleman was watching us from his property and asked us to come down and use his space. The sun came out just perfectly through his trees!

The shot on the right is my fave. 😍 So handsome!

Waving it around in all its backlit glory. 🤣🤣🤣

The shot on the right still has glimpses of lil Coop. 😍

Trisha didn’t realize we were finished and what I was doing with him. She yelled over, “Why are you making that face?!” 🤣🤣🤣

So thankful it didn’t get rained out. You guys were so fortunate the rain cooled it down from 90s to low 70s! We had a beautiful evening! Looking forward to hearing what trade he sticks with. He’s going to do great! See you guys at Aunt E’s! Heart, Melanie

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Our goal is to make memories from real moments. We want to capture how you really feel and ten years from now when you look at our work, you can immediately remember exactly how you felt in that moment. Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!