
HBD Nico!

His year in pictures…

And finally, he is 1!

He’s obsessed with climbing on top of tables and stools. He’s always quick to look at me with this, “mom did you see what I just did, aren’t

you proud?” grin. Then he giggles and hides his face while I run to get him down from wherever he shouldn’t be.


This kid. Oy. He will go from bin to bin of toys just to dump them out just TO GET IN THE BIN. He doesn’t even want the toys, just wants

to hang out in there. It’s hysterical. When he isn’t in a bin, he’s behind the toy chest, under the table or squeezed in some other place that

should make him feel claustrophobic!

He truly is the happiest kid. From the time he learned to smile, he hasn’t stopped. I love how happy he is all day. Then it becomes night and

he hates life and refuses to sleep. Yep. It’s a good time every night here, especially since they share a bedroom and love to wake each other

up. Mommy really enjoys it. But he’s just so cute.

He doesn’t stop moving unless he’s in a box. True story.

Here is his mischievous ways caught on my iPhone. He’s always looking for trouble. Typically finds it the second I stop watching. If I had

the time, I’d hover over him protecting him from each tumble (every 30sec) and keeping him out of harms way. His head must be made of

steal because he seriously bangs it a good 5 times a day. I’m quite surprised child services hasn’t been called with the amount of bruises his

face typically has. I’m thinking about getting him a helmet for Christmas. (Actually amusing because I’ve had so many serious head injuries

that my Dr suggested I wear a helmet daily before I don’t come out of the next concussion. :O EEK! )

And just for fun, a little comparison. Apparently, I sang them both Itsy Bitsy while taking their 1yr pics. Ha!

I think they look pretty dang similar. We have such pretty kids.

We are doing the real deal celebration tomorrow. We did a small thing with the grand parents last night, which he proceeded to fall asleep

during dinner. Ha! I know he’s going to dominate his cake like a champ, though. The kid has been eating more than Nori for months.

(Check ups got messed up so we will have officially weigh in around Nori’s 3rd bday in a couple weeks.) He’s growing and learning so fast, I

just love it. I wish I had the time to write all the fun things he’s doing, but now I have to go stop him from nosediving down the wood steps

as he’s currently trying to climb over the gate. GAAAAAAAAAAH. Happy birthday you active little boy, you!! We love you so much!

Heart, Mommy, Daddy and your favorite sister who I can’t wait for you to beat up any day now, Nori.

Ps. I did do the monthly pics again, just don’t have time today to deal with them. Will post later when my head is not so overwhelmed.

Thanks for stopping by!

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