
Schooooool’s out for the summa!

The kids (missing Lily) were happy to have their last day of school this week!


There isn’t much personality in the group.


In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, every Monday since Sept, we have met for our own little homeschool co-op. The big kids

stayed upstairs and learned all sorts of stuff, while the non teaching moms would go downstairs with the tots.


In just 9 mths, I have seen SO much growth in these kids between knowledge and maturity. It’s so amazing to be watching them learn and

put it all together. Their brains at this age are soaking it all up and when they starting spitting it back out at ya, its fantastic.


The little kids have had their own fun destroying play rooms and taking off their clothes and running naked from the adults. By they, I just

mean Nico. :-/ So much more fun to be had in a bounce house when naked, I guess? Sigh.


“Noir” has matured quite a bit. She looked forward to and loved school every week. She loves telling people she goes to Pace Academy. It’s

pretty hilarious when she tells strangers and then looks at them like, “you mean, you don’t know what Pace Academy is???” Our relationship

has become SO much better since I started giving her more one on one attention with this. More often than not, I find her working on her

workbooks or coloring completely unprompted. Her writing and drawing skills have come so far in just a short time!


The hardest part of homeschooling so far is still exactly what I thought it was going to be…what to do with Nico. Good thing is, he’s trying to

do everything with us now, instead of just destroying. He loves counting and singing school songs with us too, which makes me squeeze and

kiss him. The kid knows he’s cute, lemme tell ya!


We are super excited for next year. Nori and Corbin are enrolled in an on campus homeschool group. We will meet on Wednesdays at

school in a regular classroom setting. They will get a lot of the basic subjects there but the curriculum is different than I’ve ever experienced.

It’s pretty damn intense and I can assure you, I will be learning right along side her. We are very excited to be a part of the group, especially

since some of our other (photographer) friends have been attending for years. They will certainly help our transition, I’m sure. I can’t

believe we made it through our first school year. Each year it will require more and more commitment, but so far it’s been a blast!

Heart, Melanie.

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