
Ari & Ezra Round 1.

When the boys were a handful of days old, we took some newborn portraits. Maybe you don’t know this, unless of course you’ve

ever had a newborn session, that they are long and tiring for all parties involved. Enter bonus baby! Double the fuss, double

the startle reflex every 3 seconds, double the “damnit, he’s peeing!” Not to mention moving everything around our whole house

to use better light. Oh, and then there was the fact I just dropped 13lbs of baby down the shoot a few days prior and my body

wasn’t exactly in “move very quickly, up down, all around” condition. :0 And the big kids weren’t even here, nor did we have

the energy to include ourselves in any shots. Ha! But seriously, these boys are super cute, not as squishy as I’d like…but we are

working on that! They were both 5lbs here and now they are right around 7!

Ari is on the left, Ezra on the right. I’d be lying if said I didn’t have to look real close to figure that out. :0


Nori showed up at the end of shooting. This was only the second or third time she’d seen them and each was just a quick

visit since her and Nico had been so sick. She’s so in love with these little boys. She literally can’t get enough of them. She

HAS to be holding or helping one or both every second of her day. She’s hella good at it too. What 5yr old can soothe two

screaming babies at once? This girl. That’s not to say she doesn’t also smothers them quite a bit. I’m constantly saying,

“Nori! They’re fine! They’re sleeping, you don’t neeeed to hold them. Just let them BEEE!”  She means well, just a bit of a

helicopter sister. If you aren’t familiar with helicopter moms, they hover over their children every second of the day.

Couldn’t be a better description for Mama NoJo.


If you look at the tip of Ari’s nose, you can see a faint red line in the center. Sometimes that’s the only way you can

distinguish them. Though other times, they look completely different. It’s wild.


Totally not posed. Ari was doing the “newborn stretch” as I put him down and he just stayed that way. 🙂


That newborn stretch on the right. I LOVE IT. Gosh, I’m soaking up every second of these little things that won’t last

forever and I won’t get to see one of my own do again. Sighhhh…


Until 30wks, when Ezra flipped head down, this is how they hung out in ma belly. My heartbeat must have made a great

bass for the rave they were always having.


Ha! Almost 4 hrs in, my back was broke, my body was throbbing in all ways. I just tossed Ari on top because I was

soooo done. And then he kept smiling and it was adorable. “Oh baby brudderrrr, you so comfy. “


We did more this past weekend, along with their adorable birth announcement photo. Just need to be motivated to

work during the random 10 minutes of quiet time I have once a day. 😉 Also, in the last 6 wks, the only place I’ve been

besides my family room, is in a hospital or doctor’s office. Though, I did sneak out 45 min on Monday to take Nori to dance.

I may or may not be losing my miiiiiind. 😀 Just tryin’ to stay afloat here in crazytown.

Heart, Melanie.

Thanks for stopping by!

Our goal is to make memories from real moments. We want to capture how you really feel and ten years from now when you look at our work, you can immediately remember exactly how you felt in that moment. Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!