Hello there! I’m alive! All six of us are surprisingly thriving! I’m still in survival mode, but the fog is lifting. I’m doing things a
little different this time around because I don’t have much choice. A schedule. I know, the word scares me too. Believe it or not,
it’s working for the 3 of us. I’m nursing every 3 hours, putting them down 1/2 awake at night and they are sleeping till I wake
them because my dripping wet shirt and screaming boobs are needing relief. The last couple weeks they’ve gone from sleeping
4hrs to 7hrs straight. HOLY. Since I nursed on command with the others and made sure they were asleep before putting them
down, they weren’t sleeping like this till like last week. And I don’t even have to cosleep! Though they cosleep in the
pack-n- play, so I suppose I’m just replacing my warm presence with another baby. Now, the real problem is getting myself off
the 90 minute sleep schedule. And obviously trusting they’re still alive because no child of mine could possibly be sleeping so
long at an early age!! My brain is still functioning at a quarter capacity, but I hope that changes soon. Feeling dumb is really
not so fun.
I figured I’d relieve the crickets here on the blog with some twinsie cuteness. My Aunt Lisa got Ari (left) & Ezra “Thing 1 and
Thing 2″ hats and I attempted to take some cute shots of them. Well. That went really smooth. How about a cute shoT of
them, as in singular. :0 Twins are about as easy to photograph as it is to keep your eyes open when you sneeze. It ain’t easy.
And you’ll just have to use your imagination with the hats. Clearly it says “Thing” above the number. 2mths here.
And some outtakes for your viewing pleasure. 🙂
Somewhere between the 2 and 3 mth mark, they decided to chub it up. And I can’t get enough of it. Remember when we weren’t
sure if they were identical? HA! I could stare at images like this all day. I’m just so fascinated. Since Ari is baby A, I always see
him as the first baby. Like it was going to be him and then the egg cracked and we got a bonus baby B, Ezra. (zero scientific
proof in my reasoning. 🙂 )So naturally, I put Ari in “COPY.” You can still slightly see his longer face and Ezra is still more round.
Remember we called them “Copy and Paste Pace” in ma belly? 😀 They’re about 3.5mths.
They love to coo and smile all the time now. The whole adjusted age thing is hard to get used to. They are very strong and
were doing the physical stuff like rolling over and holding heads up by two months, but just in the last couple weeks have
they really started following and looking in our eyes and smiling. Each day I want to eat them up even more.
Nori was talking to them behind me. Bouncing side to side. I love watching them react to the Bigs.
That lip. I never want to forget that lip that both breaks my heart and makes me smile simultaneously.
Tonight is my first session back! Glad it’s beautiful out! Super anxious about starting back, but I’m doing it slowly until next
month. I still have a couple openings for weddings this year and for weekday portrait sessions in the summer/fall if you are
interested. You can contact me through the site! Heart, Melanie.