What started out with the Klems family session, turned into updating everyone in my family’s pictures. What was supposed to be an hr session, became 4hrs. HA!
Look at these BEAUTIES.
Aren’t you guys just gorgeous. Those colors on the green. YES.
I texted Britt that this image pierced my heart as it looks similar to a shot of us three my aunt took of us when we were this age. It made me realize
what we’re missing but so happy that these girls have each other. When will I ever stop mourning that Nori won’t have a sister. 🙁
SO pretty, girls!
Aww, they’re all so sweet…most the time.
Olivia has grown up so much in the last couple years!
We drug Rachel along again to help shoot the entire family. And also I think the last non cellphone shots of us were when she was still fighting cancer and bald! EEK!
She’s 5yrs out now and healthy as can be!! Hallelujah! Funny how God works. Cancer takes my big sister, but because of Rachel’s cancer,
it brought us even closer. Most probably don’t know, but the day Rachel had surgery to remove her port, was the day Ali was having her first biopsy done.
The way things work out, all of it, it’s just such an intricate design that we could never understand. We are so thankful He spared Rachey.
My games are more fun as the kids get older. 🙂
She looks just like you here, Ben!
We sure are missing one pretty lady. 🙁 I don’t want this to focus on what we don’t have but what we DO have! And isn’t that one big beautiful family!!
Sometimes it takes a few tries to get it right. HA!
Clones! Just missing a couple chocolate freckles!
Proud Nonni and Poppi! They all sure do love them too.
Dad’s version of “get close and love each other.”
I told Poppi that I never got a picture of him when he turned 60, like I did of Mom. And someone said, “she wants an updated picture for your
obituary when one of us pushes you over the edge.” So naturally, he posed in casket form. Also, WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY FATHER!? Bahaha.
Looking great Poopi.
We just celebrated our 8 yr. Can’t believe how fast it’s gone and the circus we’ve created! We are blessed that marriage has been easy. Basically, I
just picked a guy who deals really well with my crazy. Amen for that!
Poppi surprised Nico with matching clothes and we alllll know how obsessed Nico is with matching. <3
They just celebrated their 38th this month, too. Bet they couldn’t have even imagined creating and being a part of such awesomeness as we all are. 😉
As Nico would say, “you look really pwetty!’ We love you guys.
LOVE IT! This should be blown up real big somewhere in your house.
Since I thought we would be done long before we were, my nursing and nap schedule was messed up. Clearly. Poor babies.
We had a large chunk of time to kill waiting for Unlce Ben to finish helping his Mama, so Adam decided he needed to update his picture…with every family member.
I think he needs all of these in his desk space at work. Right?
She was covered in fake tats, so I rubbed them off. But really I just posted this because look at the muscle these tubby babies are giving me?!
WHAT?! I didn’t even know till this picture! Don’t mess with me, Adam!
We couldn’t find Nico. Then we found him. :-/
By this point, Ezra was sound asleep on Aunt Britt and Ari was still going strong.
Those lips are NOT Tracy lips. Pretty little, lucky girl!
Some Godparent love.
Ezra was nice and refreshed from his power nap, but Ari was ready for his. And Nonni with her Nico. You look beautiful, Mom!
That was intensely long. Great job if you made it all the way through! Have a great week!
Heart, Melanie.