
ICELAND DAY 6 (Hvammstangi > Reykjavík)

FINALLY! Our last day in Iceland. Bahaha. This trip was now 5 months ago and the details are so vague to me that I’m glad I jotted down notes. But for real,

I’ve done so much since this that it feels like a lifetime ago. Siiiigh.



Our final hike was 2.5mi up a massive and steep mountain to see Glymurfoss. What’s that? You guessed it! Another waterfall! :0


It was somewhere around here that Adam dropped his Nike beanie. WOMP. When all of you readers decide to take this trip, please keep a look out and

when you find it, send it to Cincinnati! High five reward coming your way!


The water looks so calm here, I assure you it wasn’t. Freezing and angry water rushing below me trying to mess with my balance as we held a loose wire across a crooked log.



I really am a chicken. I have no idea where this rush of adrenaline and fearlessness came from on this trip. Mostly it was because I didn’t want to be the one at

the bottom being made fun of. Wet and slippery mud and loose gravel fell with every climb.



They put way too much trust in tourists. These switchbacks weren’t even as deep as my size 7 foot. And no railing! Just asking for people to roll down!

icelandday3007There were tons of birds nests all along the ridges. He was trying to capture them in flight where there was a rainbow formed in front of the falls.

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Just because we were sick of the same “raised open arms, can you believe this?!” pose.


Towards the bottom you can get a glimpse of that rainbow I referred to earlier.


Where the clouds met the mountain is the top where climbed to, crossed over the falls and came down the left side.

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I laid down to rest and Adam was all, WHAT ARE YOU DOING! BACK UP! WHO ARE YOU? But wait, first let me take your picture. HA! I mean, I was only probably

500ft up of the 650′ full height. No big deal

:0 It was relaxing to hear the birds and the falls!

icelandday3013icelandday3029icelandday3030Omg you guys. The sheep over there are crazy SOBs.  That or maybe just way dumb? I don’t know. BUT. They’d be in the middle of the cliffs. How did they get

there and HOW do they get back up?!

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icelandday3021 Finally at the top! Adam was standing there actually questioning whether or not to JUMP OVER THE TOP OF THE FALL BREAK. Liiike WHAAA? He had about

12k of equipment hanging on him that could easily mess his balance, or he land on a moss covered slippery rock and all that was IF he even cleared the 4-5′ gap. He was

motioning that he didn’t want to cross where I was and he was jumping. I was screeeeaming, ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? LIKE FOR REAL, YOU ARE NOT

THAT DUMB. So not worth the risk of plunging to your death, just to avoid crossing the top like every other sane human. Thankfully he backed down. Schmarty.


This process was interesting. I was in the lead (for once!!) and put very little thought into this. We had to cross, so I took off my shoes, tied them together and draped them

across my neck. Then just began the journey into the icebath water. I had never felt anything like it. The rocks were sharp in the murky, often knee deep, waters. The algae

was thick in some areas and when you stepped on it, your foot would slide and jam in between the rocks. OUCH. But you had to move fast because your feet went numb so fast.

As you can see, there were a few large rocks where people took breaks from the pain. There were a bunch of non English speaking folk on the other side but I didn’t see

anyone cross ahead of me so no one could guide me through. They did however laugh and point at me as I screamed each time I was certain I was falling in and losing

all the equipment that was attached to me.


Without fully throwing Jim under the bus, I will say that he put on quite a show.  Haha! (Love you, Jim!) There was a point that we thought the 4 of us were

splitting and meeting him at the bottom. Poor Jess stood in the water and ever so calmly coaxed him through. Jim was a college athlete, no sissy by any means!

And he barely made it. Poor Jess ripped a chunk of flesh from the bottom of her foot during the process but had no idea because her feet were numb for an hour after.


I mean, errrybody resting on the other side was in stitches by this point. Look at this grown ass man on all fours. YES! But whatever, he did it! He didn’t like it one bit,

but we all made it!! Lots of good memories stored at the top of Glymurfoss!

icelandday3031icelandday3025The terrain changed so many times on the way down.


Annnnd back to the parking lot. We dominated that mountain.  Almost 6 miles round trip over 4.5 hrs. Shew.


And thus concludes our amazing Iceland trip! We already have a few friends planning and others have gone now as well. They agreed that the experience is like no

other. Add it to your bucket list for shizzle. You won’t regret it. Unless you don’t like adventures, then you should definitely not go.

Thanks for stopping by!

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