
Two. Two. Five. Seven.

Each year, the first weekend in December, we drive an hr and cut down a Christmas tree with my Aunt Dale. Every year it gets a little more complicated and crazy,

but in the end it’s always a fun memory to have. This year, the Mothership had a flat tire so we had to borrow a van! (Thanks Kipps!!) Since all 4 kids have their birthday

between Thanksgiving and New Years, I always pray for warm enough weather to take their yearly pics. These two started us off because they said, “If you take a pic of the

babies together, you should take a pic of the bigs together too!” 🙂


Ezra started off the day cold and mad, later we added very tired to the mix. That grin Ari is giving, that’s his rotten smile.


I can’t believe we have a 7, 5 and almost two 2 year olds!! So strange to tell people that!!


The kids are always so excited to see the reindeer!


After we cut down the tree, we all go back to Dale’s house where the rest of the family meets us for decorating, cookie baking and dinner.

Tis a jam packed day and we love it! Dale says it’s her favorite day of the year. nike pas cher 🙂


Nico hoped up on the stump demanding a picture. Guess who decided to pose just after him? It’s funny too because I’ve never asked her to squat for an image! HA!


Super excited for the hayride!


Things went south pretty quickly when the babies realized that I couldn’t hold both of them the whole time.


Ezra was so mad when I sat him down to take a pic of Adam and Nico cutting down the tree that he threw himself backwards. nike femme 2017 When I started laughing

at him for being ridiculous, he closed his eyes and wouldn’t look at me. He does that alllll the time!!


Turn that frown upside down, ya monkey!


<3 <3 <3


Funniest part was that Ari was the first to fall asleep in the car and Ezra waited till we ate, then half way home he gave in.


You know.People  say, it’s so much work to take them all out in the cold, hike amongst the farm, manage all the madness, why don’t you just skip a couple years till

they are bigger and easier? It’s weird because I never really think of not going to be an option?! It’s just such a long standing tradition that gives my kids a good

look at the experience of a real tree without having to take care of it, that I love doing it. Special times with Aunt Dale that they now share too, that I’ve had my whole life.

Some parts are hard, but looking back year after year, you forget the hard times and only remember the good.

That’s kind of why I love to take the crying pics to


remember that times were a struggle and it isn’t picture perfect like I may one day reminisce it was! Before I know it, the twins will be the ones cutting

and lugging the tree.

Thanks for stopping by!

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