
“unplugged” at the lakehouse.

a week ago my family and our kids (that still sounds so weird to say that…when will it ever sink in?) drove to Norris Lake in TN.  my aunt and uncle

have a GINORMOUS lakehouse on the peninsula that they SO NICELY allow friends and family to use. it is gorgeous. they’ve owned a number of

places on the lake and over the years we have felt so blessed that they welcome us anytime we need to get away. it’s even more fun when all my dad’s

side can join us, but it’s rare since his bro lives in florida. :-/ we are almost completely unhooked while there, with the exception of TVs to watch movies.

though we worked here and there, it was nice to not have to worry about emails and phone calls. we don’t even have reception there so i couldn’t

even email/facebook if i wanted to! it was relaxing and so much fun. this was our first family vaca with nori and my fam’s first vaca in years! with

the addition of the kids, vacation is completely different. for starters, the Tracy’s don’t get out of bed til noon on vaca, this time most of us were up

and functioning by 9:15am! eek!! lol. we spent most the time in the lake or in our pajamas. here’s a glimpse.

nori is so big it makes me sick.

don’t act like your was very hard for adam to go back to work yesterday. he got a little to used to this. 🙂

maybe you’ve seen this game. you stand like 8ft from a hook and try to throw this ring onto it. of course my dad can’t be serious while playing.

how cute is she? only 5 more weeeeeeks til olivia is here!!

anna loves to point. she knows the word, she just chooses to make you say it for her.

captain ella. shhh, don’t tell rodger a 3 year old was wearing his hat…annnnnd driving his boat! hehe

see what i’m saying? our whole house is equivalent to the first floor.

argh me matey. gee, i wonder who showed her this? POPPI!

she loved the wind in her face. 🙂

ella had a permanent wedgie all week. poor thing. not gonna lie though, too cute.

every child in and out of my family knows the phrase “NO NO POPPI!” and they wave there finger at him. he aggravates the hell outta kids, but

every single one of them LOVES it. he tortures them, and yet kids go to him before any of us upon arrival. here he kept trying to steal ella’s brownie.

sun kissed faces 🙂

jumping off the dock. (even the upper deck)

ben and adam shredding on the water.

ben and i getting thrown around by poppi.

i believe i was yelling, “ohhhhhh SHIIIIIIIIIIIII***!!!” seriously, read my lips. lol.

barely 3 and wanted to get thrown around. dare devil.

i’m sure you’re wondering…adam suntans in his running shorts. 🙂 they are helping lower the dock to put the boat back in.

morning kisses from nori are the best.

sponge bob sucked them in.

hummingbird central. always 4-5 fluttering above us on the porch. didn’t bring the big lens, this is the best you get.

the tracy family of 5 has expanded quite a bit! another coming soon!


time to say goodbye. booo.

we can’t wait to go back next year.  we had a great time. back to reality. heart, mel

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