this is rachel. SHE IS: always happy.
SHE IS: a great friend.
SHE IS: amazing with children.
SHE IS: part of a wonderful family.
SHE IS: a middle child. little sister, erin and older sister, megan.
SHE IS: part of a super close group of girls. they are juniors in high school.
morgan, erin m, erin n, and alex.
SHE IS: an extrovert around her friends, but an introvert around strangers.
SHE IS: selfless in donating her hair to locks of love.
SHE IS: also very sick with stage 4b hodgkins lymphoma cancer. 🙁 🙁
Two weeks ago, Rachel called me. She was crying to the point I couldn’t understand her words. She muffled, “I have cancer.” As any person would do,
I welded with tears. I asked her to repeat herself because I was sure I didn’t hear her correctly. She said it again, “I have hodgkins cancer. I just got out
of the hospital, and they aren’t sure how bad it is yet.” My jaw dropped, my heart sunk, and the lump in my throat kept words from coming out. What
the hell was I supposed to say? What do I do? The girl who I’ve watched grow up over the years playing soccer year round for me…the girl who’d text
me randomly to stop by and visit us…..has cancer?! I said the only thing I knew to say…”you’ll get through this.”
The past two weeks have been a whirlwind for her. She’s already had a couple surgeries, one on her neck, one on her chest. She’s been in the hospital
since 8/23 and will probably be in saturday. Because of her multiple allergies, she’s had some complications. But friday, she successfully finished
her first day of chemo. At 16 years old…she finished her first day of chemo. It just seems so unfair. 🙁 I have promised her that I will document this
journey, so soon enough she can look back on all the photographs and show people how she kicked cancer’s ass. We started with updating family pics
and her senior pics because next year her hair probably won’t be the length she wants it to be for photos. the next day she cut off her hair so she
could donate it before the chunks start falling out. how sweet is that? she’s amazing. When i hung up the phone that night, it clicked. THIS
was the reason God brought ray, into my life…not just to help our team win all those games! 😉
The image below is the last picture I took that day. I’ve explained on the blog before how I envision God as “light.” When I looked at the back of
the camera I got goosebumps, then smiled. 😀 I realized right then, that God was with her. The image speaks so much by itself.
If you are on facebook, you can become a fan of a page I’ve created for her. It’s called TEAM RACHEL. Maybe you know someone that has
survived hodgkins and can give her hope, or you maybe you can just leave a message or comment to help her get through this.
Keep that strong and postivie attitude and you’ll do great! Just remember, every time they inject meds into your veins, it’s super powers! 🙂
We love you girl. heart, mel, adam, and your favorite baby girl 😉 nori.