I spent some time with the adorable Frondorf family, after school while the sun was dropping perfectly!
They’re both big dancers and performers, clearly. They found a stage, hopped right up and started doing that thing they do!
So happy to still find some color!
Love that big smile, Jill! Your girls sure got your beauty!
I’m not sure how many more years you’ll be able to do that, Craig, but live it up while you can!
<3 <3 <3!!
I didn’t ever want to leave this spot! The light was perfection!
That angel face!
Poor Reagan’s hat wouldn’t stay up soooo we went with it. 🙂
They are a few years apart, but act like they shared a womb!
I love when families are themselves. I can prompt but can’t make magic happen unless you be YOU.
“Just relax your face, I want to see your beautiful eyes.” Nailed it, Reese. Bahaha.
Thanks for having me! You guys were so easy and I loved how much personality you all have! Happy Holidays! Heart, Melanie