
The Brauntzes.

So as I pulled up to David and Rotha’s house, they have this empty lot next-door. The light glistened on the wheat grass so brilliantly

that I knew I had to convince them to bare the cold. Thankfully they did because YES.


This giant smile!

She was so “meh” about the cold until Daddy tossed her. Theeeeen she was thrilled!!

The red, navy and gold are stunning, as are your faces! <3

I could do a blog of just tossing pics because they are all so dang CUTE!

I think about the only part of Mom E got was her lips! Look at those!

She’s beyond perfect!! YOUR BODIES CREATED THIS! Please send this to Ralph Lauren!

Emerson playing with her angel (twin) brother bear!  Though he may spend his first Christmas in Heaven, he’s still right by your sides. <3

What a beautiful baby girl you have! I’m so excited for you guys to experience the holidays with her! Each year it’ll be more and more

magical. And just you watch those totes of decorations grow! HA! See you in a few months! Heart, Melanie.


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