Nearly 2 full months ago, we bundled up 3-4 layers deep and crammed in 20ish min of family portraits (with a tripod) before heading to an
early volleyball game. We normally do our yearly portraits the first week of December at the Christmas tree farm because that’s the only
day I’m not shooting someone else! But using all the pretty ivy backdrops for others and never for us got me asking myself, why not squeeze it in?!
The twin troublemakers have been in full swing the last 6mths. I mean, literally, they are real life Thing 1 and Thing 2. They’re 4 in ten days
and their ability in teaming up with Nico to make me lose my dang mind is astounding. It’s exhausting yelling every.second.they.are.awake.
But also, how are they so cute? They 100% know it too and that’s the worst part!
Meanwhile these two just blew out 7 and 9 candles, but lookin well into the teenage years. UGHHHH. The last year and a half they’ve
shared/fought over all their clothes as they are the same size now. In fact, I just realized they’re wearing each others jeans in these
outfits! We all know Nico is into fashion like Adam and he’s very particular about clothes not hanging baggy on him.
I still do the hot and cold colors for Adam and y’all. Thankfully Ezra loves his blues and Ari loves red/orange!
That wall makes my heart flutter. This hands 20×30″ in our house now. 🙂
Ezra is slightly taller, but the posture makes it look more here.
“Ari, let’s shake hands. Nice to meet you, I’m Ezra!”
It was 26′. We were SO cold. We didn’t have time for breakfast. The ground was wet and muddy. And you better believe there was a bag
of candy sitting on the ground next to the tripod.
Mama NoJo asked for pics with both her babies. <3 Consistently she’s kept “baby sis” at the top of her Christmas wish list, which is
actually quite hilarious since she’s been in on the Christmas magic the last couple yrs and full on looks at me with annoyance in her
eyes as she says, “MOMMMMMY, I KNOOOOOW you can tell SANTA to give me a sister!! You don’t even have to be pregnant,
just adopt!” Oh, it’s just that easy is it? Daddy only wanted 3 and got 4 sooooo…good luck with that, girlfriend!
Whoooooo wants to get more candy and get the hell out of this cold??
I was trying to take a serious one of the four of them and this turd wouldn’t stop laughing. So 5min later, “Ok, I’m ready to be serwious!”
Ari and Ezra love to dance. They prefer Michael Jackson but will awkwardly move their body to any music.
Lots of hip thrusting/swiveling and finger pointing. Remember Elaine dancing on Seinfeld? He could be her son.
My beautiful girl and her very dramatic and weird brother.
This boy is going to do big things and I hope he hasn’t caused me to loose my mind before seeing it one day. His skills in all areas
mostly outshine his wildness these days.
There’s always one! But happy to take a pic with his (hot) daddy!
It was 11yrs in the fall. <3
Every time I turned to grab my other camera it was missing. ::palm to forehead::
Like always, I spent the last 2mths so deep underwater that I didn’t think I’d see the light again. But I’ve mostly survived and
we’ve already started the revolving door that is our house for the month of December. All the parties. All the celebrations. Life is good
and we are so grateful. Thanks for hiring me all year long in order to keep me so busy to give my family a blessed life. We can’t thank you
enough for 13yrs of referrals keeping my calendar booked. You rock. Heart, The Pace Circus.