i know my last blog entry wasn’t the biggest ray of sunshine this blog has ever seen. but i’m so amazed by all the support we’ve been shown
through it! thank you for that! so i thought it’s only appropriate to show a little love to my other big sis. it’s been awhile since team
klems has made an appearance. this is brittany, the oldest of us 3. she is definitely the wiser, more ‘mature’ of us 3. she’s really got her
life together and it’s very admirable. i love her just as much and would do anything for her…including be up through the ENTIRE night
(again!) whenever bk5 decides to join the world. they don’t know the sex, which makes it all that more exciting for when she goes into
labor sometime this month! yay! you look amazing britt, thanks for being such a great role model for ali and i through the years. 🙂
anna banana is 2 and ella mozarella is 4 in a couple mths. can’t even believe it.
these kids. wow. they’ve become total hams. like seriously, goofballs. we love it!ella LOVES to read. aunt ali buys all the girls books on a regular basis (it’s the librarian in her).
it doesn’t get much cuter than this, y’all!!
britt has always been a belly laugher. the kind that holds in her sound and shakes profusely. you should see her laugh right now, it’s so contagious.
as i was taking a few of bk2, these little monkeys were doing this. i had to take a shot because how hilariously cute are they without even trying?!
i love you team klems! oh, if you are ever looking for a good laugh, brian writes a great blog weekly about his role as a father. thelifeofdad, read it!
thanks for playing with me little ladies. i can’t wait to meet your little BROTHER or sister sooon! heart, aunt mel.