What a difference a year makes. Well also, 30º of more warmth, that definitely helps too. 🤣 We went to the Niehauses future new home site to shoot! Someone dumped a wood pile on the property which is annoying to Terri and Tom BUT worked great for me. 😆
Last yr there was so much effort put forth to get these three to sit and smile. This yr, they just plopped down and smiled! 🎉 Look at these big kids now!
Those are some good lookin’ lumberjacks! 😍 They forgot their axes, dangit.
Love it!
You guys are the best!
So good, guys!!! 😍
“Hey, turn around I need to see the light on your face.” 🤣
Those little hands in their pockets!😍
Because he really is “so big” its hard to remember that he’s also still “so little!” 🤣😍
Marty and Eddie were being super cute and I was like, “Hurry, Nikki! Go jump in!!” Then she quite literally jumped in!😍
They were singing a FrozenII song.😍
What handsome fellas! I really love your hair long, Marty!
“Don’t you shake your butts at me!!” 🤣
We told them to go hold down the car for a minute to get a shot of just the adults. 😆😆 Well done.
So pretty! And I loved how Grandpa took Eddie off to entertain him!😍
Even though they enjoyed my presence much more this year, they’re still kids! 😆😆😆 Culling through these brought me as much joy as the “good” ones.
Well. I’m soooo looking forward to what this house is going to look like! And I’m already hungry thinking about that promised homemade pizza next year, so it better be done by end of Sept 2021 at your next session!! So great to see you guys and I’m glad it wasn’t so painful for you all this time!😆 Heart, Melanie.