
The Frondorfs.

These four goofs had too good of a time during family portraits!

You’re so gorgeous, Jill! You’re pretty too, Craig. 😘

Pretty girls! Nori was looking through the images and said, OHHH I LOVE THEIR SHIRTS!!!😃

The puppy just turned one but was very much a good boy!

Woody kept sniffing and kissing Raegan’s cheek every time we tried to get them together. I’m sure Craig instigating it had noooothing to do with it. 😆

Such wonderful laughter!

This girl was snapping in and out of poses, cracking us…annnnd herself up!

Seems as though you each have a mini me!!

Just be yourselves… 🤣

Craig had 3 shirt changes.🤣🤣🤣 Seeing as though I’ve never seen this man be serious, I was super not shocked he’d wear this shirt. 👏🏼

Craig and Jill are celebrating their big TWENTIETH anniversary next month!🎉 Jill wanted the girls to have a little fun in her dress for the occasion. 💞

My brides are happy but how do I get them to channel their inner child to find this simple kind of joy?

When the dress is a few feet too long, Daddy moves you. 😭

Our friend Mandi made a beautiful bouquet for the girls to hold!

What’s nuts is that they had a ribbon pulling the straps to a halter behind their neck but no clips tightening it in the mid section?! Which means Jill is as tiny as a 4th grader…

She wanted to test exactly how soft and fluffy the puddle surrounding her was! 🤣

What a fun Dad you are, Craig!

I knew the night would be easy but it was even easier than I thought! You’re all so photogenic and fun! Congrats on 20!! Glad we are friends! Heart, Melanie

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Our goal is to make memories from real moments. We want to capture how you really feel and ten years from now when you look at our work, you can immediately remember exactly how you felt in that moment. Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!