…for a tracy girl to have a BOY!!
nori kept shouting at the screen. “turtle! turtle!” so i believe that’s his nickname til he’s born OR has a name. proly til he’s born. lol
[vimeo 26592903 nolink]
i can’t believe it either. when the tech said, “here’s the penis…” i think my jaw hit the floor. literally. for some reason this whole pregnancy i’ve
been calling the baby a ‘he or him,’ so i’m honestly not surprised. plus i’ve only gained 8 lbs (though wasn’t exactly to prebaby weight at the start 😉 ),
and the fact i barely have a belly, points to boy. however, puking for 15 wks made me think, girl. i’ve been in complete denial that it could be a boy
cause i will have so much work to do again and a girl would have been so damn convenient! sigh. oh well, i’ll just figure it out i suppose. but for
reals, the thought of having to tuck it down (into diaper) or pull it back (cleaning), pee shooting everywhere, and boners(!!!)…yikes, this is new
territory y’all. he will be the first boy in 13 babies since my mom was born. she had all sisters below her, then she had all daughters who’ve had daughters.
WE DON’T KNOW BOY STUFF. so either he’s going to be gay from being surrounded with dolls, tutus and nailpolish, or he will be the best future
boyfriend ever for having known girls SO well growing up. lol. the important thing is here, he’s absolutely healthy, and measuring a few days ahead
of my originally estimated due date. now they’re thinking 12/6. but don’t worry, i’m not getting my hopes up. 😉 oh boy! oh boy!
heart, melanie, adam, nori and turtle.
ps. ever since the beginning whenever we asked nori if it was a girl or boy, or even said boy or girl? she’s always said boy. weeeeird.