
The Adairs.

Haven’t seen these guys since before the pandemic started!

It’s been so long that Nico said, “Who is that big kid in the middle? Did they just adopt him?” “What? That’s Oliver?” “No it’s not, Oliver is like the dragons size!” 🤣😬

The Graham Champion is holding onto that round baby face and I’m not mad about it!!😍

There’s multiple rocks flying around here. I was worried about the track safety but I should have been more worried about rock safety!🤣

Daddy bouncing kids off his hips like, pew! pew!😍

Graham kept running off so the boys grabbed his arms. He was like…

NO! Don’t touch me! 😆

You’re all so pretty, guys!

I told Leo to cross his legs so Graham did as well. 😍


Nothing to see here, just them trying to jab me in the eye with long grass.🥴

Love this!

Glad it worked out with all the shuffling! The boys are like completely different kids since I saw them last! Maybe we will see you again before they’re teenagers! Happy Thanksgiving! 🥰 Heart, Melanie

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