
The Westerfields.

I love coming into a home and having all the space  and light to work with!

Peyton was born on Halloween so she was old enough to have smiles for us! 😍

Love this space!

You guys are adorable!

“Last one?” “Not yet, sweetie.” “UGH🙄.” Really she was just in and out of sleep faster than any baby ever, so she fell immediately into the eye rolling sleep cycle upon closing her eyes longer than a blink. 🤣 Just also perfectly foreshadows the tween years!

So sweeeeet!

I wanted her to relax on Morgan’s chest. She’s like, oh hey, Ma! 😆

Brows and lash envy of a 7wk old! What the heck!!

That pout!

Peyton has the cutest little nursery!

Such pretty dark features!

Checking to see who was laughing at her! She had been sound asleep then she just magically was wide awake looking around. FOMO.

I love when babies reach the age when they return your smile with a bigger one!😍


They make doll babies that look just like this, ya know!

Finished up with a couple Christmas shots because why not!

Nice to meet you guys! You have a beautiful home, so easy to work in! Enjoy this Christmas with your new little elf! 😍 Heart, Melanie

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Our goal is to make memories from real moments. We want to capture how you really feel and ten years from now when you look at our work, you can immediately remember exactly how you felt in that moment. Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!