Session summary: Four small wild kids, 2 very tired parents and me who just laughed the whole time being thankful I’m out of this stage of parenting. 😆
Look at all these pretty faces though!
Violet was so great the whole night. Just so happy and had the best time.
Finn back there holding on. 😍
Something here is not like the others.🤔
Cooper did this multiple times with Finn, trying to move his mouth into a proper smile. 😆 Finn’s response on the right. “Am I doing it?”
Looks like a dentist checking out his teeth. SMILE LIKE THIS FINN!
Smash cake traditions!
Pretty big girl!
Cooper’s anguish is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen as Violet gave no shiz about destroying her cake. “WHAT!! We wanted some too!!”
They got married in this spot 10yrs ago so they wanted a shot of them with the kids there. Well, that was just too much to ask of the kids at this point. Bahahahaha. But this tells the story of how life really is right now, 10yrs later. Maybe try this again in another decade. 😬
Also this because Cooper and Finn are just letting me know they.are.over.this. Alllll while Violet is loving it! Hysterical. Truly.
Sometimes Adele loves her baby more than she wants to be loved. 😆
Well. That was something, wasn’t it? I’m happy I did find joy in the absolute crazy. 🥰 Days are long but years are short, y’all. Felt like yesterday this was us and now I have one in junior high!😭 Thankfully they’re more sweet than sour! *Maybe* next year we will be less exhausted at the end. Unlikely, but maybe. 🤣 Happy birthday Violet! And Happy Anniversary Renee and Chris!! Heart, Melanie