All the beautiful colors to surround this vibrant girl!
Kaitlyn loves butterflies so this chair was super fitting!
Seriously though. I say this every summer. Summer flowers > spring flowers!
YES to that confidence. 😍
Love a falling sun backlighting a pretty girl!
Over the shoulder looks so good on you!
The pink tones with the green and black combo! 🔥
Mom behind me for that comic relief!
She really wanted a pretty sunset, which is something that is 100% unpredictable. We didn’t get an elaborate sky but this soft gradient was still pretty perfect if you ask me!!
She came ready for this! 🙌🏼
Sorry your first pick location couldn’t work but I feel like this one was even better! Def couldn’t have done that silhouette at the other park! You rocked it, great work! Have a fun senior year! Heart, Melanie.