These pretty little girls and their giggles were so sweet!
Dad is passionate about catching those girls! 😆
From a distance I pointed out a monarch but I didn’t think it would still be there by the time Grace got there. Even more shocked it hung out for a few seconds after she moved the stem! 😍 Her curiousity is adorbs.
They both whipped out these dance move that had me burst into laughter. YESSSS!
You’re pretty, Carolyn!!
Tess was either all in or all out with her smiles. I loved when she went full watt like this! 😍
How stunning is this?
They’re just so perfect!
Sean killing it again. 😆
I did in fact say, “Give them a big squeeze!”
Grace pranced and danced her way everywhere!
Felt like this was like 2yrs in the making and it finally happened! It was nice to meet you guys and your pretty little ladies! Here’s to a great school year! Heart, Melanie