“What are we doing? Oh. Reading. Right. I can do that!” ::GIGGGGLES!:: -Livy. The big kids were actually reading and legit didn’t want to put down in order to start shooting when I got there!
Livy is definitely the wild card of the family. 😆
Gorgeous but rotten as hell. 😈
Mom proving she’s as strong as Dad! 😍
With no rain, the trees were alll the colors by mid October this year!!
Sweet little Liam asked for a picture with just Mom!
Getting her to be serious for 1/4 of a second was quite a challenge!😆
Unprepared for Livy trying to do a full on back flip. 🤣
Liam was desparate to do the “Thinker” pose. Every time he stepped up for his solo shots, hand to chin. 🤣
Mila has done some modeling over the years and you can tell as it’s so easy for her to fall into poses.
So happy to see you guys after a couple years, I missed your faces! I wish I didn’t have to rush off to Confirmation as I wanted to chat much longer. 😟So now we shall do dinner this winter!! Heart, Melanie