First may I say, Natalie paid such close attention to details. It wasn’t that her details were over the top, its just that she worked hard on making them different than every other wedding. I never knew you had such a wonderfully creative side to you!!
Some may call it fail, I call it picture perfect. 🤣
Timo’s entire outfit was so damn cool.
Just casually rehearsing hymns. Or not. 🤣
This really passionate nonsense. 😆
Foolishness. On both sides. All day. 😍
I feel like I was just talked into investing my life savings (like thats a thing🤣) into something. 🫣
GIIRRRRRRL. Those SEXY CURVESSS! That dress was made for your figure!!
Not sure there’s a better reaction to seeing your bride.
The priest was Scottish with a very thick accent and Timo is German. He stood up and welcomed everyone, specifically the ones streaming from his home land. Right off the bat I was like, okey dokey, not going to have any clue what’s being said during this ceremony. 🤣 But if you concentrated really hard, you could understand Father. 🥰
Without warning, Natalie went straight into speaking her vows in German. What a special gift that was for your husband!
She had the entire chapel in tears, especially the whole front row. 😍
Natalie guess he’d shed tears 5 times through out the day and while I could have actually done a whole blog on Timo getting emotional, know that I’m not, in the least, poking fun. To be moved so much by your wife, to know that you’re the happiest you’ve ever been and to be vulnerable enough with your people to let them in like that. Well done. Great job, Mom and Dad, for allowing your son to release those emotions growing up instead of forcing him to hide them. I think it’s brilliant.
I honestly have no clue what the back story is on the Storm Trooper but it was plopped over soooo many different sweaty heads. 😬
I’m so mean and made her stand in grass over and over. Her heels continuously sank and she was on the constant verge of, “OH GOD IM FALLING! HELP!”
I never blog formal family pics but these were just so adorable, I had to share!
Natalie originally wanted 10/22 for the Fall color buuuuut we were already booked. She was 100% ok with moving it up a week in order for us to be there, which should have meant the leaves weren’t really changing yet. Except with no rain forever, the leaves have changed 2 weeks early, so with a little extra love from Mother Nature, she still got her Fall trees!
I love you, you’re gorgeous.
I’ve never had bride wear that cool spine jewelry!! SO STUNNING. Also, future brides, she used a roll on adhesive for the nude mesh on her shoulders. It stayed all day and WAAAY better than the tape!
Just before leaving for the reception, they read their personal vows while the video guys recorded. It was so very sweet.
Oh, and Shrek came to the party too! 🫣
They really didn’t even need to go into the reception, the party on the bus was lit.
I really wanted to see someone bite into these candy apples and when I found this sport in his red velour, I had to ask him to do it. So good.
There was a polaroid theme all day. The seating chart was finding your face and your table was listed on the border. LOVE.
As we pulled off, I realized we forgot to do this. I’m still very annoyed about it!
First look of all her hardwork put into a finished reception room!
The New Hazlett was a super cool venue! I wish it wasn’t all the way in Pittsburgh!
I absolutely adore how you feel all the things so deeply, Timo!!
Almost 100% certain Natalie bought the light up sticks just so she could go around whacking people with them. 🤣
This was the vibe from the second the last formal dance was through. Non stop party. 🙌🏼
So much attention to detail.
Hardly ever is the groom on the dance floor and often, neither is the bride til way late. These two danced, very aggressively 😆, from the start. If they separated, gravity always pulled them back together for a quick intimate check in. I love your love.
The day could not have been more seamless and all around perfect. Thanks for adjusting and bringing us up to Pittsburgh. We had a lovely time and it was wonderful to see your whole family after the last decade! The only thing that changed was your brothers grew about 2′! 🤪 I love how you pointed out, “from my soccer coach for years, to senior pics and now I have you here at my wedding with me!” I’m so honored to be a part of your life for so long! You’ve become an incredibly beautiful, smart and kind woman. All things you’ve always been, but seeing you as a successful and happy grown woman, makes my 21yo heart sing! You guys are all the best. Heart, Melanie & Adam.