Though it doesn’t seem like their faces are changing much, they’re def getting taller! It’s hard to appreciate how big they are too since Mom and Dad are so tall!
I love that theres alllllways that slight undertone of evil in both their expressions.🤣 I’m SO familiar with that trait in all the Tracy grandkids. 🤣
Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Liv was actually up to your eyeline next yr!
Livy is strong and I love that Brooks has no fear going against her. He’s certainly not going to be smaller for that many more years!
Never gets old being goofy with these two. Pretty sure I’ve done this every year since he was 2.
They’ve always been so expressive and I love it! That one on the right though, a little too easy for her. 🤣
How are your faces not aging either?! If it wasn’t for the added silver, I bet I could side by side the last 8 yrs and you look the exact same. 😳
A father’s touch is always so gentle. Said no Mom ever.
Glad we found some color for you guys!!
Sessions are just so quick and easy anymore I feel like we barely get to see each other!😆 I mean, when it’s 30º, I’m not trying to keep you there to catch up but this year felt exceptionally fast! The kids are just old pros now! Well done, team! Already looking forward to next year! Heart, Melanie.