Thankfully it wasn’t as cold as it was windy because we would not have survived longer than a few minutes out there!
Their favorite way to torture him.
The first thing I noticed about this was how Alexa and Aisa’s bodies were almost exactly mirrored. Y’all probs share clothes now! That’s exciting for at least one of you…🤣
I mean. I kinda love it! 😍
Tio was such a good boy that day! Crazy how different he is from a couple years ago!
Charlie was spreading his lats and shoulders and showing them which way to the gym. 🤣
Through out shooting, Julia asked me a few times to get her doing the splits. At the very end they each did a ‘trick’ for me. 🥰
Nice to see you guys. Already looking forward to shooting you at an earlier date next November! lol 🙂 Happy Holidaaaaays!
Heart, Melanie