
The Bloemker Barnes.

Elise has brought the crazy energy to every session since I shot her the day she was born. 🤣

“Nope, I won’t cooperate.” “Do you want to go get breakfast at the diner when we are done?” ::smiles:: I’m food motivated too, Elise.

Her teeth are at the perfect stage for this goofy expression. I do this all the time but mine is just isn’t as enjoyable as hers!

You guys are adorbs.

Theresa wanted a profile shot and you’d think it’d take less than 1 second to get. Nope. 🤣 Lots of the right had to happen before reminding her of breakfast as soon as she cooperated!! 😭

Elise wanted to do a Photo Booth like I do with my seniors, which you can imagine was quite easy as this girl is nuts 98% of the time.

Missed the rest of the family, but I’m pretty sure Elise enjoyed having all of your attention again. 😆 Good to laugh with you guys! Heart, Melanie.

Thanks for stopping by!

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