We may have been a week or more🧐 post graduation, but what’s it matter?🤣
I’ve never had a client just sit down in fire log pose. 😳 I’ve done yoga for 15yrs and still can’t come close to comfortably stacking my shins and she just hangs out like this! I envy your open hips!
That laugh on the left makes me say, “heh heh heh” in a slightly evil way! 😈
She said big earrings are her jam and I’m here for it!
Those blue eyes! 😍
🙄I told her to give me the eye roll she gives her Mama. 🙄
Enjoy the summer while it sneaks away so fast! You’ll be loading up for the dorms and headed to Columbus in a blink! Good luck on the next part of your story! Congrats! Heart, Melanie