
halloween 2011.

we had a busy weekend. we celebrated halloween all weekend. by the time trick or treating came, i barely had enough strength to sit on

the porch, eat dinner and watch nonni and brian handout candy to MY neighbors! lol. it was fun. sad it’s over but ready to move on to the

next holiday which hopefully will also bring this baby in my belly, who i swear is already trying to get out!

we started off at the nursing home where nanaw lives on sunday. there were just as many ole’ folks as kids, both way too many for the

large room we were in. it was hard not to laugh watching kids take candy out of the baskets the elderly held while they slept in their

wheelchairs. :-O then we went to nonni and poppi’s for pumpkin carving, cupcake decorating, dinner and sunday prayers. adam was the

first and last at the table, but his pumpkin was rad. you’ll see later why poppi’s fingernails were pink. and it’s not just because “what he

does on the weekend is his business.” 🙂 hehhe.

this isn’t even everyone who normally carves with us, but it is the majority who have been doing it for a good 15 yrs.

adam’s is on the far right. 🙂

many many thanks to my friend kelly gerst reinbach. she was in the art dept with us at MSJ a long time ago. she’s been begging to help

me or my family through all the stress we’ve had this year and i all i ask for is prayers. THEN she had this genius idea. GENIUS. 🙂 she

knows how much my family loves halloween and how most of the time we hand make our costumes. well she offered to make nori’s for

me!! hells ya! so here you have it. perfection of a costume, a peacock! isn’t it amazing?? yes. should she open an etsy store? YES. you

should see some of the costumes she’s made her kids in the past. amazing. we love you kelly and thanks so much for doing this, you have

no idea how much stress that took off my shoulders. nori loved it. no problem keeping it on and LOVED telling people she was a peacock!

kel also made me a mask to match. then i sewed some bracelets and anklets for nori and i.  adam is our zoo keeper. he was supposed to

have a fanny pack of treats for us. he had nori standing on one leg for candy. 🙂

captain pax.

nonni and poppi with the grandkids. possibly the last image without our baby boy in it!

the crew that walked our streets last night, minus poppi who was still putting on his makeup. loloff they went! i went back inside to finish cooking the enchilladas we make every halloween. normally ali and i do it together but she’s

currently in the hospital again. 🙁 she had a 103+ fever all weekend, missed out on everything. really really sucked. she was physically at

the carving but had to separate herself cause she was so sick. please please say some prayers. her body is really having a hard time and it

scares us to death seeing her so weak and sick right now. her body can’t handle all this chemo.

i hope you had a happy halloween! heart melanie.

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