
HHI: the whole shebang.

better late than never? i know, we’ve been home for over a month! You obviously saw we shot two weddings in HHI last month. it started

out being a business trip for adam and i, bringing along a babysitter to take care of the kids both saturdays we were working. (and also to

allow us to maybe, just a little bit, relax while on vaca in between.) it just so happened when i was bragging to ali and ben about this perfect

scenario, they realized they had a wedding to attend in charleston the first saturday we were going to be there. to make it an even better

situation, the 3 of us received a timeshare week from our aunt dale as wedding gifts that we’d never cashed in. the trip was planned just as

ali was starting the (failed) drug trial. it was something for her to really look forward to, to get healthy for. so needless to say, though God

had other plans for her, the 5 of us and our kids got away together anyhow. all in all it was a good trip. there was a lot going against us, like:

a list of issues with our condos, it rained the majority of every afternoon (except on both wedding days!!), all the kids got hand-foot-mouth

disease, and the uber obvious of missing ali 🙁 !  but dangit, we had a good time. relaxing? is vacation relaxing once children are in the

picture? umm, no. thankfully we brought the world’s BEST babysitter, and our good friend, rachel to help keep the chaos a little calmer.

she’s only 18, but i tell ya she’s more responsible, caring, and mature than most 25yr olds. she’s WONDERFUL.


we did grab a handful of shots of nori and nico. he was 5.5mths and she was just about 16 2.5yrs. she loves kissing and hugging. she only

asks for about 45 hugs before bed and when she anyone. so sweet! i’m ok with it. 🙂

yes. they are ridiculous. my heart swells with happiness when i look at this. we are so so blessed.

nico loves to stand and jump. he’s constantly trying to keep up with nori and it cracks me up. he’s reaching his milestones 2mths quicker

than nori reached hers. if he runs his mouth like she does, i don’t know how i will stay sane!

buddy, you are painfully cute. gah!!!! i love you so much. and i was worried having a boy! oh, by the way. at his 6mth appointment he was

the same weight (18.5) and almost same height as nori was at a year. they are now 4 or less lbs apart in weight. eeeek!she’s something else. if you are my fb friend then you have the teeniest peak into her too smart for her own good, personality.

this girl is wise beyond her years. but god love her, she’s the prettiest little runt ever. i probably should have posted these for fathers day. fail. 🙁 he adores these kids, and they can’t get enough of their daddy. he’s the perfect

balance between fun and strict. i hope they always stay so close. it’s a joy to witness their love for one another.


i really didn’t feel much like taking pics all week honestly. i took a bunch of iphone pics, and the rest of the time i was present in the

moment. i’ve been shooting more now than ever and as much as i love taking pics, i also love putting my camera down once in awhile.

we each took turns riding the kids along the beach. they all loved it.olivia and nori are for real, like sisters. they love on each other as much as they push down and pull each others hair. hysterical.


the below images are from adam’s new film camera. he carried his light meter around all week around his neck. hilarious. it’s hard to

remember to adjust your shooting style to 100% manual like that. takes too much patience for me. :-0

hahaaahaaaha. she’s awesome.

some sweet bedhead, nori. who knows why she was making this face.

this was right after he woke up. we only went to the beach maybe 4 times, one of which was for pictures. he slept all the rest of the times. ha!


and finally, below are a bunch of our instagrams from the week. 🙂

and now you see why it’s taken me so long to blog about it. whew! glad it’s done. hope you enjoyed! 🙂 have a wonderful weekend!

heart, melanie and adam.

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Our goal is to make memories from real moments. We want to capture how you really feel and ten years from now when you look at our work, you can immediately remember exactly how you felt in that moment. Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!