hello there, one week old Nolan!
i’m not joking when i say, we were laughing because eric’s feet smelled so bad i had to walk out of the room.
need a sleepy two year old boy to enjoy getting his pic taken? m&m’s.
love it. what a perfect little family!
hi, sweet boy.
look how gorgeous you look in this pic, schrizzle!!
i think he looks like newborn paxton here, 🙂
i was just testing the light, but erin knows enough by now that she should always be aware my camera. love it.
and now Adam’s side has 4 adorable grandbabies! it’s funny cause on his side, nori is the token girl. and my side, nico is the token boy! ha!
i totally see resemblance in the big kids!
you two made some adorable little boys. i’m positive nolan is going to be as handsome as paxton! i can’t wait for all 3 boys to be best buds!!
love you. heart, aunt mel.