These cute twinners hit the streets with me, walking their Dad’s beat. Detective Dad, naturally, followed at a distance.
Perfect timing of that streetcar!
I’d suggest a pose and Aidan kept laughing and saying, ‘Nah man, I don’t have this in me. I can’t do it.’ AND THEN HE DID IT SO WELL!!
Ava giggled her way through the whole session.
A lady yelled from her 3rd floor window to him, “show her that sexy smile!”
For hating every second of this, you sure can’t tell!
They sat next to each other and I was like, fat chance you sit this well all the time. Be yourselves…::whack:: Yes, exactly that. That’s what I want!! I know that twin dynamic well, you weren’t fooling me.
The physical pain this boy endured to stand back to back with his sister. Hahahaha.
You’re both .
Beautiful, dahling.
“Put your arm around her.” “Do I have to?” “Yes.” ::cringe::
One lucky set of parents that they’ve chosen to run and play soccer for the same University!! You just made your parents so much less complicated! Well done, yous!
Look away, Dad.
Ava was so quiet and sweet, so when she flipped the bird I was like, YES GIRL! Show me the real you!!
I had a good time getting to know you two. Thanks for doing it for your Mama, Aidan! You’re both so good lookin’ that it was quite easy! Have fun next year! Looking forward to seeing your Mom’s posts about how well you all are doing! Good luck! Heart, Melanie