
Buh Bye Sanity.

For Father’s day this year I thought it would be a great idea for Nori to draw our family portrait. She’s loves drawing people and I thought

what a perfect thing to frame in our house and display! What she didn’t know was that the “baby doll” I asked her to draw in Daddy’s arms

was a real life baby living in MY belly. Wait, is this a pregnancy announcement?  Smooth. Woohoo our family is growing! I hardly have any

sanity left as it is, why not give up what’s left.


Nori has been asking me for the last year if it’s time for me to be pregnant yet. We just kept telling her after she turns 5 we’d bring home a

brother or sister for her. Since she’s a ridiculous little mom around here (I walked in on her nursing Nico the other day. He took it a step further than before.),

she can’t wait to have a real life baby. I expected her to be too overwhelmed for words but I didn’t expect Nico to react more

excited than her! He’s so freaking cute at the very end! So full of love!

 [vimeo 100551144 nolink]

So after we told the kids, my family started arriving for Father’s day dinner. Since we are blessed enough to work our babies around our

business, everyone knows exactly when we start trying. Some specific friends aheeemmyouknowwhoyouare knew my actual cycle so they

texted me daily till I tested. As everyone came over, they asked if we had news yet, because apparently they don’t remember the excitement

of being able to tell people and wanted to spoil the fun. Anyway, Nori handed Poppi his Father’s day gift and stated, “I drew you with all

your grandkids!” “Aww wasn’t that sweet.” ::places on table:: Nori hands it back to him and says, “Umm Poppi? Did you EVEN NOTICE

you were holding a BABY??” “What! Ohhhhh!” Followed by a bunch of “I knew it!” chatter in the room.


So fun! Except I felt/feel like complete hell. I had to tell each client I was shooting because the nausea is so bad, you can see it all over my

face. The sickness, like I look green and heavy eyed, but often the vomit is on my face too. Puking this time isn’t like the last two when I

dealt with it for 5mths. This time, I have little warning. I’ve puked on and around my children multiple times. Raise my voice? Puke. Stand

up too fast? Hurl. Eat dinner? Vomit. It’s so much fun. I just kept saying, I guess the third pregnancy is much harder? It’s been very difficult

parenting, nicely at that, when I feel like this 24/7.  I was scheduled for my first OB visit that week. They wanted me to come back in two

weeks to get an EDD. Then this happened when I came back. That’s an “A” and “B” right thur. TWO FREAKING TINY HUMANS

PARTYING IN MY UTERUS. Actually, maybe it’s two turtles from the looks? Holy Shiz. No WONDER I feel like death.


So was I shocked? Nope. Whaaat? They had just said, “Ummm there’s actually TWO heart beats, do twins run in your family?” My response.

“Bahahahahahahahaa” and then some more “Bahahah I KNEW IT.” Why did I know? So many reasons. First of all, I’ve been having dreams

about twins for months. Each morning I told Adam how vivid they were. Real life stuff, in our home, with two babies in our arms. He just

kept telling me I was projecting it. I kept telling him to get used to the fact we were going to have 4 kids like I wanted, not 3 like he wanted.

:-0 When that viral explosion happened I told several people, I better not let Ali know when I’m ready to get pregs because she’ll think she’s

funny and send me twins. Then in one of the dreams early this year, Ali visited (like she always does) and straight told me I’m going to have

twins. When I woke up and told Adam, he again called me crazy. At that point I started sharing my dreams with people who would believe

me. This would not be the first time something in my dreams actually happened. Even at my OB visit in the winter I asked what was too far

along to travel abroad with twins because we are shooting in Europe in the fall. They thought I was nuts. Because my intuition about this

was overwhelming, I even booked my calendar accordingly. I referred off any wedding after October because I knew once I got pregnant, I

would need the last few months off to relax. After my initial visit and they only saw one, I told Adam, one must be hiding. He told me “Will

you give it up, already?” The dreams continued and on the way to the appt two wks later I was still not convinced. And that’s not even all of

the details! So when they told me there was twins, “yep, I knew it” was the only appropriate thing to say. I mean, I still shook and started

crying because, well I am human and finding out news like this is kinda like a jolt to the nervous system. And what else is so cool? I told

Adam not to come because it was silly for him to drive from work and back for a quick growth check ultrasound. But God knew I’d need the

support and placed one of my besties in the room next to me at the dr. without me knowing she even had a checkup. What’s even freaking

cooooler?? The night before SHE had a dream about twins WITH my sister in it. So I guess Ali was preparing her to be there for me when

she’d hear me nextdoor and I’d text “You’re at Bowen? I NEED you to come in the US room RIGHT NOW!”

After I spent the day in awe that it was all really coming true. I complained to Adam that Ali hadn’t sent me a feather yet to reassure and

relax me. And then I put Nico down for the night and there it was. A giant feather on his pillow with nothing down in the room to have left it

behind. And then I smiled and knew all was truly well.


And then Nori of course had to update her family portrait. Ha! Isn’t it funny how she had bent my arm like Adam’s in the first place. Like

she knew she’d have to draw a second baby there.  Also, I don’t believe Adam is Amish, as much as this portrait portrays otherwise.


This is all crazy, right? We are so excited. Since Adam is an identical twin, he has always wanted his own! It has nothing to do with him, by

the way. It’s my egg that apparently “cracked” as Nori tells people. As of now we believe them to be identical. I believe them to be boys, as

they have been in my dreams. We shall see! I will be heavily monitored through out! Keep us in your prayers for a smooth pregnancy. Also,

that I stop feeling like total hell. I’m really sick of using the neti pot to clean out the chunks of vomit left in my nose canals. GROSS. But if it

means the babies are thriving, then I’ll deal with it. If any of you have teenage daughters that you want to learn the importance of

abstinence, send them over! I’m currently an amazing birth control visual.

The kids are very excited too. Nori thinks she gets one to herself now. Which might actually happen some days. :0 Thank God they’re both

obsessed with babies. “Bring on the babiesssss!”


I asked them to strap in the dolls. Nori delicately strapped hers in while Nico tossed his over his shoulder and got comfortable. 😐 HA! He

will not be in charge of a baby.


There were so many cute ideas I had in mind but truly finding the energy to do any of them was impossible. So reality wins.



Also, we had planned to announce this day for the last couple weeks because it is the day before Ali’s picnic and since my button has about

popped off my pants, in combination with the puke face I’m rocking, I figure I’m done with the secret. (And I’m finding out plenty of people

know who I HAVE NOT TOLD. HMMPH.)  It wasn’t until I was discussing this date with my friend that I realized it would be Ali’s bday

when posting. Hilarious. She’s such a show off and it makes sense she’d push me to share this news on HER bday. I swear I’m just her

marionette down here. God love her. Happy 34, Auntie Ali! I hope you are taking mighty good care of these babies for us. Now hold onto

them until the holidays are through for me, K?

Heart, Melanie, Adam, Nico, Nori, Copy and Paste.

Thanks for stopping by!

Our goal is to make memories from real moments. We want to capture how you really feel and ten years from now when you look at our work, you can immediately remember exactly how you felt in that moment. Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!