First Communion seemed light years away when we held this little baby girl in our arms. Now here she is, not quite as grown up as she thinks she is, but too big to cradle on my chest. She has this kind, gentle, heart equally balanced with this attitude of a 16yo. These opinions that are unsolicited and can’t be defended by anything other than “because I don’t want to.” UGH. Nevertheless, we couldn’t be more proud of the little big girl our NoJo has become. She’s making decisions with her heart first and is understanding quickly what it truly means to be Christian. I’m excited to watch her check off another sacrament. This is just as exciting of a weekend for Adam and I, as it is for her.
A battle and one very small bribe later, I got her to wear the dress all the gals in my family have worn. <3 She wanted nothing to do with the veil and I had pretty much accepted it. As we were leaving, Nico saw the picture of me and unprompted said, “WOW Nori! This veil changes EVERYTHING! Mommy looks so beautiful and it looks like a special day for her. You just look like you’re wearing a white dress. You should put it on, you will look more fancy and beautiful too!” Naturally, she rolled her eyes at him. Once at school, I was taking these pics and she saw the other girls in their veils walking in and told me just to leave it on. 🙂 WIN.
Because why not stand in the exact same spot and recreate it 27yrs later? ::SOBBING:: (She said she didn’t know how to stand and look so awkward as me. HA!) Sorry I didn’t use a flash to blow it out and make her eyes the shade of her inner devil, which we are hoping will start chipping away now that she’s receiving lil bits of Christ on the weekends. :0 The red in my eyes is mostly gone, a few decades later. 😉
The pew marker was so fun for her to make. Adam and her designed the elements, then she drew it all on glitter paper and scraps of fabric from my basement stash. The yellow is one large piece of silk leftover from the twins birthday capes. She drew lines and used different markers to dye the silk. Outlined it all (while I sat on the sidelines having major anxiety) with some good ole black puffy paint! She used other cape silk to braid the handle.
Congrats to our baby girl! So glad you’re down with JC! Heart, Mommy and Daddy.