Yearsss ago, Nonni gave Brittany, Ali and I (so many of her gifts have always come in 3’s since childhood) these snowman kits for
Christmas. It’s always sat at our fireplace sealed, until this year! I walked in from a session a few weeks ago to the kids getting
dressed in layers. So against my hungry belly’s wish, I layered up and went out for the fun. Adam said, “come on, we will play for a
couple hours and then they’ll nap.” Me, “Clearly you’ve never played in the snow with littles before. I give them 20 min.”
Nico quickly learned what a snowball was when Daddy pelted him in the chest. D’oh!
Somehow I lost the bin with all of our snowboarding gear in it. Waterproof pants would have been nice. I’ve since bought both
kids some snow bibs from Once Upon a Child for a few bucks which hopefully will get some use this winter!
Nori’s blue eyes changed to green around 18mths. I guess Nico is keeping his since he’s now 2?
“Mommy! Ice! Eat! MMMMMM! Cold! More! More!” He’ll repeat any words these days, but still working on broken sentences. 🙂This was about the 20min mark. HA! “Cooooold! Insiiiiide! Mommmmmmywaaaaah!”
Monkey started shedding layers on the porch so I let him inside where he then
watched cried from the window.
When it was time to add the features to Frosty, Adam went in and found poor Nico passed out.
She took out and replaced each piece about 3times.
I set up a tripod in the snow. HA! (I always wonder what neighbors think of us.) I took the left shot as a test and didn’t notice
she kissed him till I was culling images. I love it. Both kids are so loving and sensitive.
Frosty was so exciting to see each morning and when we are pulled in the driveway. When the snow melted, Nico was very
concerned as his features felt out (leaving them to look like a meth addict) and eventually he was kicked over by Adam. Meanie!
I’m so excited for when things slow down around here and I can enjoy the winter with them! Thumpity Thump Thump…
Heart, Melanie.
OH YA! Happy New Year everyone! We will be ringing it in at Paul Brown stadium with a bride and groom! Fun!