
last minute vaca!

during nori’s first bday party my aunt debbie was begging ali to go to hilton head with her a few days from then. since ali is a stay at home

mom, she said she could go. then they turned and told me i had to go to. since part of my new years resolution is to ‘work less, play more’,

i thought, oh what the heck, why not? so i BUSTED my butt to finish stuff for clients so that i wouldn’t have to work the whole time i was

there. 🙂 adam encouraged me to go, especially since deb was using her flyer miles on us and we’d stay at her condo! a cheap trip! sign me up!

i was very anxious about the whole flying with a one year old, withOUT daddy, not to mention ali had olivia by herself as well. here is a little

taste of the plane ride there. 🙂 THANKFULLY on all 4 flights we had 2-3 seats each. took the stressful level down to 2 immediately!

nori was a ham the whole trip there. in about 4.5 hrs total in the air, she slept 15 min. olivia slept all BUT 15 min. 🙂

nori entertained everyone on the flight. but not a whine out of her or olivia the entire time. it was fun!

olivia the glow worm! remember those? i just love her in this outfit, we had to take some pics. 🙂 she’s so dang cute!!

she always has at least one finger in her mouth, but usually she tries to stuff both hands in!

nori is definitely learning all sorts of new things every day. one of her favorite new things to do? hug and kiss a baby, THEN SMACK THEM IN THE FACE!

yep. in that order. awwww, i love you, WHACK! ugh. the worst part was when we’d shout NO!, she’d turned and hurry and point to anything in the room to

distract us. so excited, as if spiderman was standing right there behind me! she spent quite a bit of time in time out. this was her time out stool, that we

deemed ineffective because she thought she was too cool sitting on it. even when i faced her to the wall, she’d clap and play and look over

her shoulder smiling at us and waving. :-/  then out of time out she goes back, waves her finger ‘no, no!’ and then smacked olivia again! oy vey.

like i said, i didn’t want to work on my trip, so i barely took any pics. ali grabbed these on my iphone to share with adam back home. this was her first

official time on the beach! however, it was like 40 degrees near the water so it was literally a sprint to the water, “ooo look touch the ocean!” take a pic!

sprint back! haha. plus adam is a beachbum and i really wanted him to experience it with her “first”!

a couple more phone pics. olivia is always so happy. and ali, well she has this addiction to chocolate and cotton candy. she got her fill of both while there!

nori played with uncle john ‘from a distance’ the whole time. every time he’d get close, she turn away. it wasn’t until the airport to go home,

she peacefully sat on his lap. we had to get up at 430 am to leave, so we stayed in our pj’s!

adam couldn’t hardly wait for us to get home. though we did ‘facetime’ videochat every day on our phones, it was still very hard to be away

from him. since we’ve been home, he’s been wrapped around her finger! she even walked 5-6 steps to him when she saw him! too cute!

it was fun to be gone for the week and do a lot of girlie stuff! we even pierced nori’s ears, you may have noticed! thanks to aunt

debbie and uncle john for spoiling us, we all had an awesome time! i also have to apologize to deb, because as i was working

on these images, i realized that i didn’t take a single picture of her! 🙁 not intentionally, told ya, i wasn’t in the ‘photo frame of mind!’

look at the bday blog, she’s the one in the cupcake pj’s! 🙂 you guys rock!! heart, melanie and nori

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