
Halloween 2018.

1980’s Pop Icons!

Cyndi Lauper.

Cyndi is dramatic with those lips and had it not been 1045p on a school night, we could have had more fun with this. :0 We

normally do everything on the weekend before nursing home trick or treating but we had 6 soccer games, amongst my sessions,

family in town, and family carving to work around so it just had to wait until Monday night. And Adam couldn’t get home till after

7 with lights in his trunk. And dinner. All brings us back to the same daily struggle of rushing through life to beat the clock. SIIIIGH.

George Michael.

Michael Jackson.

Ezra asked to do all.the.poses. For the last month they asked daily to “research” all the popstars. We watched all the videos.

They did the moonwalk and learned lyrics. It was really awesome how invested they were this year. He even asked if he should

grab his crotch for a picture because well, he knew that was MJ’s move. HA! Daddy said no. :0


David Bowie.


Man. I wish we had the energy to study poses and recreate. It was seriously a, cool, you get a full body? A close up? K that’s fine.

Another Halloween come and gone. We had so much fun as a family that I can’t wait to see what they want to do next year. It was

fun getting away from the movie theme but with 6 people it’s so hard! We wanted to Dubsmash the hell out of these costumes but zzzzzzz.

Maybe tonight? Hope everyone doesn’t get too soggy tonight. YUCK.

Happy Halloweenie!

Heart, Madonna, Bowie, Cyndi, George, MJ and Prince. <3

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