(Thanks to our buddy Dave Caron, who suggested that spin AFTER this image was finished!😭 Missed opportunity! So clever!)
First of all. Have you rewatched this show as an adult? It’s minute after minute of complete chaos! There’s little transitioning, just switching from each character’s strange storyline to the next. Characters pop in and out, you focus long enough to rub your head and say “what?” Then we’re onto the next scene before you can process the last. 🤣 Paul Ruebens had some serious ADHD. Probs why that show kept our attention!
Like always, once the theme is decided, the kids love to do their own character research online to establish who they want to be. So watching movies and you tube clips had them making all sorts of hilarious comments. “Why does this all look so fake? This looks terrible!” They have no understanding of tv before CGI. Spoiled kids!
HAHA! HA! HAHAHA! (Must only read that laugh in his voice!) We knew before suggesting that Nico would claim PeeWee. There was nothing to his costume but finding a super cheap suit and wearing a shirt and tie we had. Just painted some thrifted loafers. 😬”Well, Howwwwdy, Pee Weeeee!” I had no idea it was Lawrence Fishburne on the show!!! Ezra loved his outfit and wants to wear it on a normal day.🥴
Mecca lecca hi, mecca hiney ho!” Ari originally set out to be Conky with the word of the day being TRICK and then every time we heard it while out, we all scream our heads off. 🤣 Obnoxious much? (I totally meant to print a slip and take a family pic of us all hands out screaming but…too rushed. Too tired. Forgot. Whats new?) Adam’s time spent making this box was as much combined as it was for me to do every other single detail for the rest of us. 😆😆 Yes, he’s slow AF but also, I applaud him for having pride in his work. Layers of foam screwed together and it was actually still light! Ari wore it the entire 1mile loop! We couldn’t believe it!!
The Penny cartoon was super funny for my kids. Being a child, I didn’t recognize how she was so random, but as an adult!?😭 I’m pretty sure they just gave a little girl a topic (ie. swimming. dogs. whatever) and then just let her talk her nonsense into a mic and then animated it. I loved it. As did Nori. She kept watching them over and over. This was a perfect super easy character for Nori to choose because she’s ditched us for her friends tonight, so it took about 10min to pull her character together and give no craps if she’s only wearing it for a quick fam pic.
I honestly don’t remember much of Captain Carl but after watching the clips, I was cracking up. Phil Hartman! What the heck! He made this persona so much better. I think Adam wanted to be him just so he can make the faces!
Miss Yvonne, ‘the Most Beautiful Woman in Puppet Land! Failed on that front, but had fun thrifting a long skirt and cutting it up and making into a dress!
It’s too bad I don’t have the energy to find the image of Phil Hartman making this face and putting them together like I normally would. Hysterical. Also. I used crafting Tacky glue to attach his brows. It was no guarantee he wouldn’t be browless after removal, but I forced him to lay down and let me do it he took one for the team. Little soap and water, still has his eyebrows. All good.🤣
All three boys are workin on a man bun so I couldn’t cut his hair for the part. We worked it out, close enough!
With each year comes more kids activities to cram into the already overslammed work of Fall. After spending the early part of the day at a performance for Nori, then shooting, I didn’t get home to help finish all the costumes and set up the studio until 6. We started shooting individuals at 10p and finished up around 11:15p. Our kids are such good sports. I’m glad they choose this night and Christmas card pics to behave. Basically the only two nights of the year they stand still and listen, or give great suggestions to poses etc. If they hated this, zero chance I would have kept up all these years. I didn’t even bother taking process pics because I would use travel time as a passenger to sew or glue. Or Adam worked while I was gone and vice versa. Less work on blogging front anyway, esp since it’s 1030p and Halloween is over. Bahaha. Better late than never? 🧐
Happy Halloween, y’all! Heart, PeeWee’s PACE HOUSE!