
halloween TwentyTen

adam dressed up as one of the men on America’s Most Wanted list. creep. just kidding he was…

steve prefontaine. ya, i didn’t know who he was either. but since adam is into running and olympics, he knew all about him.

pretty good resemblance, eh? his nikes are his real running shoes and actually called “Pre’s” designed after prefontaine.

little miss rainbow brite. 🙂

our plans changed this year and i didn’t want to spend a bunch of money buying stuff to make us all costumes.  a couple hours before our

party on friday i decided i just couldn’t do the store bought thing. not that there is anything wrong with that, i just knew i’d regret it.

i mean, i’ve always made my costume, why wouldn’t i make hers? 2 hours later i created her costume out of my rainbow socks, an

old blue tshirt and some construction paper. it was fun. i’m glad i did it!

how would rainbow brite get around without her horse starlite?? 😀

i just realized i should have made lilo be her sidekick, twink. damn. that would have been hilarious.

hope your halloween was a blast. ours was. we had a great weekend with family! heart, prefontaine, rainbow brite and starlite.

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