
HBD to Nico & Nori!

I don’t know how, but this girl just turned FOUR and this boy just turned TWO?! WHAT?

NicoNori028My threenager is no longer. She’s still rotten, but sweet. Driving me batty, but knows exactly when Mama needs a hug. Often too

smart and gets herself in trouble. (She has Nico make the bad choices for her and then rats him out. But she’s yet to realize we are

onto her game and she gets in trouble too.) She really is the most loving Jr mom. She takes care of babies like they are real. I

swear she’s running an infant daycare out of her room most days. If she had it her way, she’d have 3 younger siblings by now. NicoNori029Gorgeous too, eh?NicoNori030And this kid. Shew. He knows how to charm anyyyyone. He can empty my entire makeup case and apply it to himself, the floor

and the walls and yet with a little smile and bat of his eyes, I’ve forgotten he did anything wrong. (He did do that by the way.

Because Nori told him to while I was slammed with media requests. She even climbed up and got out my scissors for him to cut.)NicoNori031NicoNori032“CHEEEEESE” often gives him this hilarious underbite. NicoNori033NicoNori034NicoNori035I took these in November but it was still pretty cold. Nori was freezing and I told her she could get back in the car if she gave me a

good smile. Bahahahaa. Then Daddy decided to be silly behind me. 🙂NicoNori036Ninety percent of the time they are best of friends. But like all siblings, they smack each other, scream and steal toys in between.

And mostly make me never want to have another kid. And then they hug and kiss and then I want 4 more. NicoNori037We needed to update a cousins shot for Adam’s folks, so the other Paces met us for a couple quick shots. Don’t you love how

Nico is looking up at Nori. The cutest. NicoNori038NicoNori039NicoNori040Thanks for the family shots Uncle E!NicoNori041NicoNori042Unless Mommy is holding him… :0 NicoNori043Poor kid was cold too. But I had to steal a shot of him crying because people keep saying Pax looks like Ralphie from The

Christmas Story. I see it most when he’s upset. 🙂 NicoNori044I was so impressed with the kids. In the middle of Over the Rhine, I set up a tripod to get a group shot and it only took two takes!! NicoNori045The only thing that could make this more perfect is a baby girl! No, I’m not announcing anything, I’m just wishing a future

baby girl into their family. 🙂 NicoNori046NicoNori047For my whole life I’ve always gone to cut down a Christmas tree with my Aunt Dale. Along the years different people have joined,

with the last ten years being Adam. He even went with Dale when I was living in London in college! Now that we have kids, it’s a

different experience but still so fun. And giving an old rusty saw to two toddlers will keep any afternoon exciting. NicoNori048NicoNori049HUG ME BROTHERRRRR.NicoNori050Isn’t this just the cutest? I love it. NicoNori051NicoNori052NicoNori053NicoNori055We had a wonderfully relaxing New Year’s Day as a family. I hope everyone’s holiday season was delightful. How in the world is it

already all over? We have lots of exciting stuff coming up this year. Couple trips where I can’t wait to shoot! 2013 was a great year

and sure ended with a BANG!! 2014 has big shoes to fill! Thanks to everyone who has continued to support us!  I hope I can

start pulling my favorites from last year one of these days soon. I usually have a lot more free time in the winter but we had

3 winter brides this season! Those blogs coming soon! HAPPY 2014! Heart, Melanie.

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