
Here’s to TwentyThirteen.

We had a lovely (6) Christmas(es)! The kids were spoiled rotten, though at least one of them should have gotten a big lump of coal instead.

The Elf on the Shelf only worked so well since Nori proved his corner eyed grin showed he was hardly ever actually “watching” her.

Even when we adjusted him so he was indeed looking directly at her as we insisted she eat her dinner or else “Gingerbread” would give a

bad report to Santa that night. But since I suck at life, sometimes 75% of the 25 days he was out, I forgot to move him before Nori woke up.

(She usually stays up later than me so I can’t move him before bed.) I typically had to jump out of bed with the quickness and move him as

I heard her footsteps walking towards her door. Sometimes I was busted, frozen with the elf behind my back. Other days

I was able to move him approximately 1 foot away from where he sat the day before. This brought on the question of “Why does

Gingerbread like to stay in the kitchen?” The days I completely failed at the game, I had to wait until nap to move him. Regardless, it was

her routine to look for him first thing upon waking, even before potty. Since Nori insisted Santa actually lives in Delhi (community

down the street.) and that he can’t even get down or back up our chimney, I think next year I’ll be spending more time convincing her

Santa is real more than Gingerbread is magical. Even her Dr. wished me luck in raising my “threenager.”

The littles in their Christmas finest which was fortunately worn 3 times, because where else can Nico wear a velour vest?

Nori has been begging for a backpack for a couple months. I bought Olivia one to match, which may come back to bite me in the ass when

they have them in the same location.

I love bedhead. 🙂

The paces have finally joined the 21st century. Nori is quick to tell people who ask what Santa brought her, “He brought me a family iPad. I

have to share with everyone!” I’ve only held it once because I have a Mac and an iPhone to do all the same things, which is why I’ve drug my

feet over getting one in the first place. Nori laid next to me the other night and navigated the apps/games with ease. She soaks it up like a

sponge, remembering every detail each interactive app holds. I had no idea what the point was on a couple games and she demonstrated

AND talked me through it like I was as out of touch as my 94 yr old Grandma.  Embarrassing when my fresh 3 yr old was more tech savvy

than I. I fear for my future with this child.

Did I mention that we didn’t get to bed til 1:30a (midnight mass- a family tradition that was ok until the kids were born)? The kids coughed

all night leaving us little time to sleep. Adam’s alarm didn’t go off Christmas morning to ensure we had time to prepare for the day of

driving all over town to celebrate with all of our families. I happened to roll over at the time we were hoping to be at our first destination.

Sigh. So instead of sleepily enjoying our morning, we jumped out of bed, rushed through the presents and showed up to Adam’s Dad’s

house as seen in these images, 30 minutes after waking. Thankfully they were still happy to see us crusty, smelly and all.

I’m looking forward to what 2013 has to offer. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and has a safe new years eve! Happy New

Year friends! Heart, Melanie.

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