
he’s robbing the cradle.

the boys turned 30 last monday. yes THIRTY. for the rest of this week, i’m still 27. sooo, 30 still seems a long way away for me, and adam is totally robbing the cradle. because life has been more than upside down for me the last few weeks, erin so graciously planned a surprise party for the both of them all by herself. literally, i ok’d a few things, showed up, and paid half the tab (which actually is not even true yet because it’s all on erin’s card til we get a total!) needless to say, she did a wonderful job, and adam and i are very grateful for all the time she spent on the the whole day. i’ve never been so grateful he was a twin! THANKS SCHRIZZLE! you rock.

their  bday gift was this: yesterday the boys golfed during the day at rising star casino in indiana, went to dinner where about 35 peeps were waiting for them (yes they were suprised!), we ate, they all drank 😉 , then everyone gambled entirely too late for this mama. we spent the night in the rising star hotel then all met up again for the breakfast buffet this morning. it was tons of fun and a good break from all the stress of life right now. a solid 24 hrs of fun.

the boys hate cake, so we grabbed a couple pints from the graeter’s cafe nextdoor. YUM.crazy fact. erin and eric have been together almost half their lives. impressive.their proud parents!you should be used to this by now. at least we know how special we are. (i’m 27 wks in case you were wondering)

30 yrs going on…12.

their mom pulled these out of her purse last night. you know how i like to post embarrassing old pics of them on their bday.

 adam –>

this was like 6 yrs ago.

<— adam

saved the best for last. yessssss. this image is jam packed with awesome.  adam —>

thanks to everyone who made the hike to the casino. i’m so happy it all worked out. i’m even more thrilled i didn’t have to plan any of it! 🙂 i know you would have much rather gone to vegas this year, i’m sorry we couldn’t pull it off. at least eric won a few hundred! adam however, lost a hundo. d’oh! HBD boys. i hope this year brings you much love and happiness. we love you! heart, melanie

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