I’m drowning in work and desperately would like to escape back to Iceland. Adam was so kind to get these images all ready to be published so
I may as well take a few minutes to post these! Some heavily into Game Of Thrones, non English speaking tourists, were with us at this cave hot
spring. A guy said to me as we were crawling into it, “This is the place where John Snow and Ygritte make a the love!” Bahaha. Sweeet.
The entrance to the cave. Who knew the beauty waiting inside!
The drop and gap are hard to show the vastness in this image but I was being super brave, people.
Goðafoss was beautiful and I really loved it because by this point in the trip, I was happy not to hike 6 miles up a mountain
both ways to see it.
I wore that sweatshirt every day, in case you were wondering. Also, I didn’t wash it the whole trip.
Hvitserkur, which literally up until this moment when I googled the name of it, I thought was also called Elephant Rock. Nope.
Turns out there is another rock that looks way more like an elephant than this. Maybe they call this Rhino Rock. They say the Icelandic legend was
the rock was previously a troll who forgot to retreat from the light and was turned to stone when the sun rose! Those Icelandics like their troll stories.
Does America have cools legends like this? Bigfoot is pretty cool? :0
Because, duh.
After we hiked back up the cliff, the water was already covering to the shore. That reflection and black sand was amazing.
We bunked in this small little cottage the last night. Was pretty amazing and had we had groceries, we could have stayed and cooked. Inside was a full
journal with entries from all around the world. Most the American entries were apologizing to other countries for Trump. No joke. Pretty hilarious.
Other stories were about honeymoons and backpacking across the country. So cool to read especially since I didn’t have wifi on my crap phone
and was super bored while Adam was posting away on social media. ::eye roll::
Horses and sheep errywhere.
We still have more to post.