It’s remarkable how fast time goes. Sad, really. I’ve been spending so much time mourning that my last babies are growing so fast and nearly 8 mths that this big girl slid right under the radar becoming a school age kid. In fact, I overheard a conversation at the swimclub about when school starts and I was under the assumption all school started at the end of August. Yaaa NOPE. I had less than two weeks to suddenly get our act together. We finally got the list of school supplies and I drug all 4 sweet angels to a few stores by myself. I guess I was feeling energetic and carefree. That lasted an hr. The rest of the trip Nori soothed a baby in the back of the cart while I had the other on one shoulder as I screamed at Nico through all of Target. Neat. But she was super pumped to pick it all out, especially those shoes. Because new gym shoes and a bookbag really was always the most exciting part of each new year for me too.
On her first day, before I even had the 3 boys out of the shower and all of us dried off, she had picked out her entire outfit and was lacing up her shoes. But yet, whenever anyone asked her, “are you excited for school?” She’d say, “I don’t understand the big deal? I’ve been doing school with Mommy for two years.” Little snot. No one was buying your act, we knew how pumped you were.
Nico is the kid who has to be involved in everything. Especially pictures. Dude, this day isn’t about you! But he ran up and jumped on the sign before I could pull him back again. Oy.
I have zero worries about this girl. We raise our kids to be independent and that she is. I got a “Peace out, Mom. I love you.” Meanwhile all the other kids couldn’t let go of their parents, much less keep their eyes off Mom. I’m like, can I get a kiss? Maybe a hug? Sheesh. I really didn’t expect myself to be fighting tears like I was. I’m just so excited for her future because she is smart, intuitive and so creative that she will love all of it. Hopefully the teachers will love her and her overwhelmingly helpful she forgets shes the kid and not the one in charge spirit, too. 😮 But now I have to rely on others for her foundational learning and that breaks my heart a little. Having all these kids and working well over full time hours is kicking my booty, just can’t imagine homeschooling right now!
She’s so beautiful and proud.
Adam was able to come home early to pick her up. She was so pumped to tell me all she did but the story that stuck out the most? “I made a boy laugh so hard he drooled.” Siiigh. Too young for that NoJo.
Another last of the firsts with our girl. By the time the twins get to K, you’ll have to pull me outta the room. I can’t wait to see what the years hold for her. Now onto Nico having his first day of school and hopefully not getting kicked out on the second day. 😉
Heart, Melanie.