

It was quite chilly and windy but Lauren was so chill, you would have never known, uuunless you saw her grab her jacket between every frame. 🤣

Love it!

Some shots I really see Mama, and the right is one of them! 😍


That windblown hair!

Both of these are great but the right may be my fav from the whole sesh!


It’s a shame these images don’t have the soundtrack of the thumping bass behind me from the car pulled up on the curb. 😳We couldn’t even hear each other talk a few feet away. 😒

That wind was no joke on her poor bare skin!!

It’s been her dream to swim for OSU and guess what she’s doing next year! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Not all kids have a clue where they want to go to college, even months before they graduate high school, much less knowing in grade school!

That pouty lip. I bet that worked on Dad more times he’s willing to admit. 🤣

I’m thrilled you were excepted into your dream school program. You’ll do great and I’m sure you’ll move up the ranks quickly in the pool. Y’all are such intense athletes that I just know it comes to you easily. I hope your passion sticks around the next 4 years! Good luck!! Hope they eat your bubbles! Heart, Melanie

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