
Merry Christmas 2016!

Merry Christmas to all my social media friends!





Doing projects is always overwhelming while we are doing it and I hardly ever try to remember to take progress work. Afterwards I always regret it

because I know the non artist blog readers have NO clue the amount of work that goes into an end product. I only took these two shots to post on Instagram.

The left was a still life I made for the babies to sit behind.

The right was taken at like 10p when we were starting…on a school night. :0 Super parents!


How we did it:

Twins: I hid a M&M under an upside down glass ball vase and told Ezra to look at it. At the same time, I handed Ari a screw.I lifted up my fingers and told

him to show me the screw (with a happy voice inflection in order to get him to smile).It only took a few shots to get them to do it at the same time! Adam replaced

the vase with a different stock globe because the one I had, had a flat top. That snow globe was almost the death of Adam.

Nori: She was mad that I told her she had to pout for her image. She sat in front of the green screen and on a white blanket (to make snow around her knees)

telling me she was mad, and literally pouted exactly how I wanted her to for the card. Snap. Didn’t even have to “pose” because she did it naturally…Bahaha!

Nico: I know people were sad not to see MJ in the card after posting this image, but we just used the plexiglass from inside the frame. I needed something to be

in front of the bigs to create a reflection/softer edges like they were behind glass. Plus I wanted Nico’s hands touching the globe and needed to be able to show

his skin change where it was pressing against glass. I told him to imagine what it’d be like to be trapped inside a snow globe by his baby brothers.

Snap. One and done. The kid is so dramatic that it’s never hard to get him to do what we want.

Adam: This was a bit comical because we were using a timer for some reason instead of the remote. Prolly because it was SO Late and we were too tired

to set up more equipment! I stood on a stool and held adam’s suspenders above him while he leaned forward on his tiptoes. This took the most takes because

of timing the balance perfectly and the suspenders kept snapping off. Ugh

Me: Profile shot of me sucking it in while standing in front of the green screen. Though it did take multiple shots because my original mad

face was horrifying on film. NOPE.

The back was just a whole bunch of individual images and layers he put together to make a storybook. Thanks so much to our friend Aleisa for writing some

poems for us! My brain is so so sooooo tired by this time of year that I just needed help with words and I knew she’d be a perfect source for me. Nailed it.

I just reworked and combined and boom, the poem was exactly what the image needed. Adam spent waaaaay too many hours in photoshop.

He wanted to work on it way more because, you know, he thinks his work can always be way better. ::eye roll:: I think he’s ridiculous and

it’s always a fight between us because we aren’t trying to win an award. It’s ok if every added drop shadow isn’t on point or whatever it is he was complaining

about. He’s so good at what he does, I can’t stand it.

Just like Halloween, we love to create. So many people tell me, “I don’t have the time to…” Gosh I hate that phrase. Here’s the thing. Do you think we have the

time? Nope. Energy? Not really. BUT. We are artists. We live to create. We imagine and must put into action. So we dream things up and you can alllways

find the minutes. May require a lot of bad parenting on behalf of late nights of shooting and family addressing, but we do it because we love it. This is a

priority for us and something that is of importance, so we find the spare minutes. And most of all, we love to make you all smile upon receiving the mail!

That alone is worth the lack of sleep. I’ve written entirely too much for what should have just been two images. GOOD NIGHT.

Thanks for stopping by!

Our goal is to make memories from real moments. We want to capture how you really feel and ten years from now when you look at our work, you can immediately remember exactly how you felt in that moment. Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!