

This gal is such a sweetheart.

 We were strolling around casually talking about what she wants to do next year and what schools shes looking into. It turns out, it’s more of what schools are looking into HER! She’s a well decorated diver! Like a take it to the national level, flipping off platforms as tall as my house. No big deal, olympic style. 🤯 That’s dope! What was mind-blowing to me is that she drives herself to Dayton and other far away places for practice. I don’t think I was that comfortable driving alone out of town til mid 20s. 👏🏼 Get it, girl!!

Those big laughs are where it’s at!

The residents rolling in passed us as we use their yard. Oops! Nothing to see here. 😬

Love that rose garden shot! So regal.


She was goofing around and I was like, wait?! Why aren’t we doing real tricks!? Show me some skills!!

She just held it forever as casually as one stands up right.

That time I made her balance in such a way, every single muscle was engaged. 🤣 Hello RIPPED. I love that strong is cool these days! 😍

More tricks, duh. There was another photog shooting a senior like 10ft from us. I’m busy laying in the grass, blissfully unaware who is around us. I go to stand up, covered in grass and dirt, and see them and start dying laughing. I’m like, 🤣🤣I’m over here making my senior do back tucks getting all sweaty as she’s using props and reflectors to get a perfect headshot. 🥴😆AWWWK.

Why are you so cute?!

One more handstand cause I’ve never had the option of feet in my photobooth shots!😍

I wanted to focus this whole post on Mia because hello, big things are happening for her! I can’t wait to hear which school you choose and maybe one day see you in the summer olympics!! “I knew her when!!!”😍

But I can’t publish without plugging her baby sister’s legacy. Like what westsider hasn’t heard of Sophie’s Angel Run? No one. Close to nearly 1million dollars raised and donated over the last 15 yrs. We actually shot this the day after Sophie’s angelversary😭, which was a hidden silver lining that I got to connect and hug it out with Mama bear, Missy. You guys have given so much more awareness to childhood cancer and continuously working your butts off to ensure research funding is there to save future baby girls and boys. It’s truly remarkable what you’ve accomplished, Sophie is SO proud of you. Registration is still open for this year’s run on Sept 26, 2021 so head over and even just consider donating to a fantastic cause. She will never be forgotten. 💗

Heart, Melanie

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