
Mr. & Mrs. Hofmann!

A day in the making forever ago, finally became a reality! Jen and Matt are married!

What a bunch of BABES!

Lookin super hot, Matt!

Girrrrrl. Shoot. Nori said, “She looks so perfect, like Barbie! But like, much prettier than Barbie!” 🤣 She’s not wrong!

Laughing at himself, she’s clearly used to it. 😆

Typically I’d say, I can’t wait to see how adorable your kids are with these hot parents…buuuut we already know how cute they are!!!

*Trigger warning* You may recall waking up to this blanket of unexpected snow a couple weeks ago, rare for mid November! Well, that first snowfall was 100% orchestrated from above. Not even 5 yrs ago, they lost Mr. Riggs. 💔Guess what made her Dad’s heart sing? SNOW. It was a long tradition for him to call all the kids on the first snow and let them know if they hadn’t already, IT SNOWED!! So on top of her wedding day being that day, her older sister, Laura, has a beloved saved voicemail she’s played for them each year holding his tradition on that first snow each winter. It went something like, “HEY LAURA! ITS DAD! LOOK OUTSIDE! IT SNOWED!!!! That’s all, I love you, bye!” Talk about choking back those tears hearing that while looking out the window at the white grass. 😭 How.freaking.special. 😭

I guess with the heat of cars and buildings, the snow didn’t last as long downtown. When we got home late that night, you still couldn’t even see our yard there was so much! I wish it stuck around more but it was still sprinkled enough through out to get the idea in the images!


That laugh. 😆😍

Matching grins!

It was sooo cold out, I don’t know how she survived with that see through lace and backless top!!

When your brother walks you down the aisle, the vibe is much different. 🤣 High five at the end to keep the emotion from overspilling! It worked!

Can you even deal with their son’s excitement!?

Gottem!! What a proud, mischievous, Dad! 😆

At least he let Cooper get him back!

Grandpa was overcome with emotion so the boys ran up and gave him some love! 💞 HOW SWEET!

So pretty, Laura! Your girl gets it from her Mama!

I think it all came together to be quite outstanding! I absolutely loved that your Dad got his little “hello’s” in there with the snow and your Mom’s anniversary necklace mishap. He just haaaad to let y’all know he was RIGHT there! Can’t deny it! Thanks for including us in your beautiful day and congrats on making it ‘government official.’ 🤣

Heart, Melanie & Adam

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